heavy equipment

heavy equipment and machinery, construction equipment offered by longotrucks.com
heavy equipment refers to heavy-duty vehicles, specially designed for executing constructiontasks, most frequently ones involving earthwork operations. They are also known as heavy machines, heavy trucks, construction equipment, engineering equipment, heavy vehicles, or heavy hydraulics. They usually comprise five equipment systems: implement,traction, structure, power train, control and information. Heavy equipment functions through the mechanical advantage of a simple machine, the ratio between input force applied and force exerted is multiplied. Some equipment uses hydraulic drives as a primary source of motion.

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Berlin Bagger - heavy Equipment - gebrauchte Baumaschinen
we are specialized in heavy equipment and machinery, construction equipment offered by longotrucks.com

Bagger - heavy Equipment - gebrauchte Baumaschinen, heavy equipment refers to heavy-duty vehicles, specially designed for executing constructiontasks, most frequently ones involving earthwork operations. They are also known as heavy machines, heavy trucks, construction equipment, engineering equipment, heavy vehicles, or heavy hydraulics.

Heavy equipment

Heavy equipment refers to heavy-duty vehicles, specially designed for executing constructiontasks, most frequently ones involving earthwork operations. They are also known as heavy machines, heavy trucks, construction equipment, engineering equipment, heavy vehicles, or heavy hydraulics. They usually comprise five equipment systems: implement,traction, structure, power train, control and information. Heavy equipment functions through the mechanical advantage of a simple machine, the ratio between input force applied and force exerted is multiplied. Some equipment uses hydraulic drives as a primary source of motion. ausserdem bieten wir an: gepanzerte Automobile, Kraftwagen, Panzerautomobile, Panzer-Automobile, Panzer-Autos, Panzerkraftfahrzeuge, Panzer-Fahrzeuge,

product range heavy equipment:
dozer Planierraupe Bouteur Bulldozer Бульдозер
excavator Bagger Excavatrice excavador экскаватор
tipper Kipper Benne Volquete Самосвал
dumper Dumper tombereau Volcador Самосвал
watertank Wassertank réservoir d'eau depósito de agua водный танк
grader Grader niveleuse calificador Грейдер
stone crusher Steinbrecher Concasseur trituradora de piedra Каменная дробилка
platform Pritsche Plate-forme plataforma Платформа
fire fighter truck Feuerwehrwagen Camion pompier Camión de bomberos Пожарный истребитель
trailer Anhänger bande annonce remolque Трейлер
low bed trailer Tiefbettanhänger Remorque surbaissée Remolque de cama baja Низкорамный прицеп
mobil crane Mobilkran Grue mobile Grúa móvil Автокран
tank truck Tankwagen camion citerne camión cisterna Автоцистерна
crane trucks Kranwagen Camions grues Camiones grúa Автокраны
cargo box Kofferaufbau Boîte à marchandises caja de carga Грузовой отсек
sea container Seecontainer Conteneur maritime Contenedor marítimo Морской контейнер
forklift Gabelstapler chariot élévateur máquina elevadora Вилочный погрузчик
wheel loader Radlader Chargeuse sur pneus Cargador de ruedas фронтальный погрузчик
truck chassis LKW-Chassis Châssis de camion Chasis de camión Шасси грузовика
bus Bus autobus autobús Автобус
Unimog Unimog Unimog Unimog Унимог
agriculture vehicle Landwirtschaftsfahrzeug Véhicule agricole Vehículo agrícola Сельскохозяйственный автомобиль
concrete mixer Betonmischer bétonnière hormigonera бетономешалка
concrete pump Betonpumpe Pompe à béton bomba de concreto Бетононасос
tractor head Sattelzugmaschine Tête de tracteur Cabeza del tractor Головка трактора
tipper trailer Kipperanhänger Remorque benne Remolque basculante Самосвал
cement trailer Zementsiloanhänger Remorque de ciment Remolque de cemento Цементовоз
fuel tank trailer Tankwagen Remorque de réservoir de carburant Remolque del tanque de combustible Прицеп для топливного бака
recovery truck Abschleppwagen Camion de récupération Camión de recuperación Автопогрузчик
bus chassis Buschassis Châssis de bus Chasis de autobús Шасси